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Veelgestelde vragen - FAQ

Question we often hear are ...

Wat is bosbaden?

Bosbaden is de natuur beleven met al je zintuigen. Het is iets wat je eigenlijk moet ervaren om te kunnen uitleggen.  Het is je terug verbinden met de natuur om je heen. Dit doen we aan een traag tempo, voor minstens 2 uur en voornamelijk in stilte. Wanneer je deelneemt aan bosbaden in groep, kunnen er tussenin deelrondjes zijn.


Bosbaden is niet zozeer een aaneenschakeling van oefeningen, zoals een fitometer, maar heeft toch een bepaalde opbouw om optimaal van de heilzame effecten te kunnen genieten. 

Why should I participate in a guided forest pool?

Forest bathing is about the experience: only by doing it, you know what it entails and how you can apply it yourself. It is a learning process in which you can deepen your knowledge. By following that training, guiding yourself and also taking part in forest baths with other guides, you feel how “easier” it becomes to dive into the energy of a forest, like a surfer with more and more experience and under the guidance of mentors too. get better at diving into the energy of the wave at the right time.

Forest bathing is not so much a sequence of exercises, like a fitometer, but works especially if there is a structure in it.

Guides follow an order that builds a special process and experience for the participants, as well as interacting with the participants.

In some articles and on websites I mainly read tips on how to go for a forest bath yourself, with very nice exercises. I also see Instagram messages with the hashtag of #bosbad, where people only go to nature. This is all fun. I advise everyone to go into the forest as often as possible.

Only I also think it is good to go with a guide now and then, because they can bring a structure that can provide deeper effects and it does not become “too vague”. Ann from Foresterra told me about the importance of a guide. Without a guide you often don't go into that delay or still mode. In addition, a guide creates the safe and comfortable space in which you can open yourself up.

We borrowed the answers from Wendy Wuyts' article in Mo * magazine, November 2019, and adapted them for this website.

How do you choose the right guide?

Quite a difficult question. In the meantime, I have become acquainted with the style of four different ANFT guides, and thanks to Katriina I also know the style and methods of Forest Mind. However, I cannot yet give a clear answer to other people. Especially because I don't know what another person needs at that moment.

In addition, you have that confidence that is also important. If you don't trust someone, there is more stress and that will not benefit the forest pool. Just like with teachers and curriculum at school in the past. Even if you are fascinated by the subject, if that click is not there, opening up to the new material does not work as well as with another teacher. Everyone has their own style and personality. Sometimes that click is not there. Unfortunately, as a student you have little choice and you are stuck (and yes, this is a commentary on the current school system). As a forest bather you do and you can look for another guide.

Forest bathing is a bit like yoga. You have different schools of thought that have different goals. For example Forest Mind is a bit different from forest therapy. And within forest therapy you have guides with their different styles. In addition, each session may differ, because other people participate, because different invitations are given ...

I therefore recommend meeting different schools of thought and guides. It's also a fun way to discover different places, or to see the same place through different eyes. If you have followed different forest guides, you will feel the difference and you will find out for yourself which style best suits your needs - which are also constantly changing.

Sometimes I need yin yoga, sometimes Ayurvedic yoga,… It is also important to know yourself before the “right” yoga teacher / forest bathing guide / mentor /… can come to you. Only when you know yourself will you make better choices for yourself.


That is why on this website we let each guide introduce themselves: what are their approaches, their background / inspiration / education, what to expect and so on.

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